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St Cuthbert's church is a group of people enjoying getting to know Jesus better and helping others to do the same. We meet on Sundays in the St Cuthbert's building on Wolves Lane, and during the week.
The best way to get a feel for what goes on here would be to come and see our church life together on a Sunday morning (11am), enjoy one of our family friendly services and allow us to welcome you in person!
Most people in Britain haven’t had the chance to engage with the Christian message as adults. Whether you're new to the Christian faith, or are re-examining truths that you heard earlier in life, we'd love to help you!
A great way to find out more about Christianity is to come along and be a 'fly on the wall' either on a Sunday or during the week. Or join in with one of our events or courses exploring Christianity.

The Bible pictures the church as a like body – where all the different parts are connected and have a part to play. We hope that is true of us – whatever our background, from oldest to youngest.
We think of ourselves as a church family. Our gatherings reflect that. So our services have a 'family' feel and children's activities run for 3-18s. Come along and join in the fun!​
Outside of Sundays, we have a variety of children's clubs, activities and camps. Most of all, we love sharing life together with meals at each other's houses and trips out.
As a church, we want to look after each other, and to make life better for others around us. That's true whoever we are - young or old - and wherever we are from.
As part of looking after one another, we want to care for and protect the children, young people and vulnerable adults who are involved in church life and activities. We have a safe-guarding policy, DBS checks and a safe-guarding officer.

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