Children are an integral part of church life. We enjoy having children involved in all that we do, and the enthusiasm and joy they bring. Our prayer is that every child or young person will feel welcome and valued, and that among all the activities happening on Sundays and through the week, they will make life-long friends, and be helped to know and follow Jesus.
Therefore, every volunteer working with children and young adults is checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), and known to us from their participation in wider church life.
Below is our Safeguarding policy statement.
Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. This implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.
We accept and endorse the principles set out in ‘Safeguarding in the Diocese of London’.
We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all our members, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church community.
We undertake to exercise proper care in the selection, appointment, training and support of those working in both paid and voluntary positions with children or vulnerable adults, including the use of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosures and making appropriate referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
We will respond without delay to concerns or allegations that a child or vulnerable adult may have been harmed, cooperating with the police and social care services in any investigation.
We will challenge any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust.
We will seek to offer pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with them appropriate pastoral support.
We will seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
The PCC of this Church agreed and re-adopted the above Policy at its meeting in June, 2024. Copies of “Safeguarding in the Diocese of London” and any parish guidelines and procedures are held by our Families Worker and Church Administrator. The PCC shall review this policy annually. The next review will take place at the first PCC meeting following the APCM in Summer 2025.
More information is available at:
Do you have a concern that you want to talk to someone about? You can:
Call 020 7932 1224 during office hours. (This is the London Diocese Safeguarding Duty Line), or
Call 0303 003 1111, selecting option 2. (This is an independent charity that is available 24 hours a day)
If you have questions or concerns about safeguarding at St Cuthbert’s, you can contact
the Parish Safeguarding Officer by e-mail at, or
the Priest in charge on 0208 888 6178
If you're worried about a child or need advice about child protection, you can contact
the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000, or
General Data Privacy Notice
Being connected to a community of people – a family, a team of colleagues, a voluntary organisation – involves appropriate and helpful communication. As a church community, we are no different. We need to communicate to keep people informed about things that are going on, and to coordinate our activity (as lots of people serve and are served as part of church life). For a community of people our size, that requires some administration and organisation to help people stay appropriately informed, connected and cared for.
As we do that, privacy is important to us. We do our best to process any personal data in ways that are lawful, fair and transparent, accurate, relevant, up to date and in line with people’s consent.
If you are curious, please click here to find our GDPR policies in full. And if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
The Data Controller, St. Cuthbert's Church, 85 Wolves Lane, Wood Green, N22 5JD, or...