Easter 2021

We'd love you to join with us this year as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus! Whether you're a Christian or not, a regular member of the church family or have never stepped into the building before - come along! All our events will be in line with Covid-19 measures, socially-distanced and with necessary steps for sanitation taken. If you can't make it though, we'll be live-streaming everything on our YouTube channel, so do still join in the celebrations digitally!

On Good Friday (2nd April), we'll be remembering Jesus sacrifice for the world and thinking about what that means for us today. It will be a reflective service with songs from the front, prayers and a short talk from the Bible. There will be two services (10:15am and 11:30am) over the morning to allow for social-distancing. Please do sign up by clicking the buttons below and come along!
On Easter Sunday morning (4th April), some of us will be getting up extra early - 6:30am - to celebrate Jesus' rising from the dead. This service will be held outdoors in the church gardens, but social-distancing measures will still be in place. No need to sign up for this one, so set your alarm clocks and come along!

Later on Easter Sunday, we'll hold a more typical service in the church building with songs, prayers and a talk suitable for the whole family! It should be a real time of joy as we remember Jesus' rising again. There will be two services (10:15am and 11:30am) over the morning to allow for social-distancing. Please do sign up by clicking the buttons below and come along!