Christmas 2024

The birth of Jesus Christ is "good news that will bring great joy for all the people" (Luke 2v10). So, come and join with us this year as we celebrate! Hear and enjoy this good news for yourself!

Sun 22nd

Carols by Candlelight- 15th Dec, 7-8pm
A mix of contemporary and traditional Christmas carols performed by the church Christmas choir.
There'll also be a short, encouraging thought from Mark, the vicar, followed by mince pies and mulled wine.

Blue Christmas - 18th Dec, 7-8pm
Christmas is a time of celebration, but it can also be really hard for lots of people. We’ll have a short, more reflective advent service for those who, for whatever reason, find this season difficult.
Or if it feels like too much to come to something like this, please do get in touch with us and let us know how we as a church family can support you in this season.

Outdoor Family Carols - 22nd Dec, 4-5pm
A traditional brass band playing carols in the church gardens. There is also a family friendly Christmas story and lots of hot chocolates to keep everyone warm!

Christmas Eve - 24th Dec, 11-11:55pm
A short service on Christmas eve evening, looking ahead to Christmas and thinking about it's meaning in today's ever-changing, ever-uncertain world.​
Christmas Day Celebration - 11-11:40am
Of course we'll be around on Christmas morning and welcome anyone to come and join us (with or without their newly-opened presents) for a short, all-age service celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus - "good news for all the people" (Luke 2v10)!

Whether you can make all of our events or none, we wish you and your family a very happy Christmas. Our prayer is that you will be able to enjoy the good news that Christmas is, and find hope in it. A true, lasting hope that shines brightly in a dark world.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! ​