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Children's Groups
A middle-aged woman sitting on a sofa with three children sitting next to hear, listening and laughing to her story.

At St. Cuthbert’s, we want to equip, engage and encourage families in any way we can to bring up their children to get to know Jesus for themselves. We believe that the Word of God is essential for the sustenance and growth of every young person and we provide programmes that both teach and model to young people how to grow in their faith. We do this through Sunday morning meetings, midweek groups, one-to-one times, special events and socials, all of which are geared towards helping young people to believe the Bible whole-heartedly through gospel-centred teaching and to help them grow in their faith through meaningful relationships.


Every time we meet together, we aim to teach the Bible faithfully, encourage one another, share life together and have loads of fun! This is done in age-appropriate ways that help engage the children and youth where they’re at and to support the families in engaging their children about the wonderful good new that Jesus came to offer eternal life to whoever believes and trusts in him.


We run age-specific groups for children and youth during our Sunday morning service, all run by a committed team of DBS-checked Church Family volunteers and parents who make every effort to teach the wonderful message of Jesus in an engaging way.  


    • Tots (0-3s)

    • Sunday Gang (4-11s)

    • Bridge (11-18s)

    • Bridge+ (Monday after school club for 11-18s)

A young woman reading a children's book to a group of toddlers in a church



Our tots group is for 0-3 year olds.  This age-group join their families in the main Church Family Sunday Service for the first 15-20 mins where we have a time altogether of sung worship, a kids slot and the Church Family news.  Following this they go to their own group and have time for play, time to sing along to songs that tell wonderful truths about God, have a Bible story that communicates a key truth about God and a Bible-centre craft and prayer time.  When the tots are collected from the group at the end of the service they have a craft to take home and share with their families.  

Families should collect their children from their group locations at the end of the service. 

Sunday Gang


4-11s start in Church with their families for the first 15-20 mins.  There is a kids slot, sung worship which often includes a child-friendly worship song and Church Family news.  Following this the primary school aged children head to “The Lounge” where they enjoy time together sharing how God has been at work in their lives during the week.  Typically a session would include singing, games, activities and crafts to help communicate the Bible message clearly to life and understand how life connects to the Bible.

a middle-aged man, in a vicar's outfit, speaking to a table of teenagers in church.



Those at secondary school and beyond have their own group every other Sunday to hang out and discuss the relevance of the Bible and the Christian faith to their own lives and the world around us - all in an informal and welcoming space.

The aim of these groups is to help the young people transition (hence the name, 'Bridge') from childhood into maturity, and to understand what it means to engage and be part of a church family.  They are also encouraged to take part in the services that they are in for - helping with the younger kids, on the PA system or through serving hot drinks - and take charge of their sessions. 

We welcome visitors of all ages and appreciate parent’s input in helping us to integrate their children into their relevant groups.


Along with St Michael-at-Bowes church and in partnership with Pathway, St Cuthberts runs an after-school club at St Michael-at-Bowes (SMAB) school, for children in years 3-6. Each week, we have games, competitions, crafts and a true story from the Bible. 

If you know anyone at SMAB school who might like to come along and give it a go, do get in touch with us here

FAB _ SMAB.png


We also run an after-school youth club fortnightly on Mondays after school (around 4-5:30pm)  for young people in secondary school and beyond. Bridge+ is an extension of our young people's programme on Sundays (just 'Bridge') - we hope it is a space in which anyone, from any background, any belief, any school, any age (provided it's between 11-18...) can come to hang out, eat sweets, play games and hear a bit about how the Bible is relevant still in today's world.

Everything is free and everyone is welcome, so do get in touch if you know anyone who might like to join us, or go to the Bridge+ page for more info! 

a man sitting on the floor and smiling with his young son



The safeguarding of all children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St. Cuthbert’s.  To find out more about what we do to safeguard our children at St. Cuthbert’s please go to our safeguarding page.  


To report any concerns, please contact our Safeguarding Coordinator directly.

a young boy smiling happily and reading a book about Easter on an armchair
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